Day 91 - Choosing life

It seems like such an easy choice - choosing between life and death - between prosperity and disaster. I mean who would choose to live in disaster or choose death? Yet I know I do when I choose to be lazy and watch tv instead of clean - or get crappy food in instead of cooking healthy meals for the family. They aren't good decisions to make and yet I do it too often and everyone suffers. 

Even just having clean clothes IN their wardrobes brings life to my house yet I haven’t done it. This period of time has really opened my eyes to how easy it is to bring life to my house rather than drag it down. Simple laundry - yet there is a peace having it all down! Who’d have thought!! 

I want this to be somewhere my boys flourish and grow and love being - where they want to crash with their friends and know they are always welcome. 

Learning to take PLEASURE in the simple chores I need to do and learning that ultimately I'm doing it for God and not for myself is definitely helping me rise above to start thriving. 

And if I get lazy and think ‘nah’ - here’s a simple thought - 

It’s not that complicated to wash the sink out or rinse off the shower...

It’s not that complicated to stick the dishes straight into the dishwasher...

It’s not that complicated to stick the washing in the machine - after all it’s not like I’m having to go down to the river to do it... 

So many examples - and such an easy thing to say! 

The difference between bringing life and joy to our homes instead of death and darkness starts with us! 

Loving this!!! 

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