Day 41 - Comfort to those who mourn

Unfortunately this is a verse that is definitely being used a lot at the moment as we go through a period of mourning.

We are mourning the loss of loved ones. Whether it be from the Covid-19 virus or from other illnesses - this is a devastating time to lose a loved one. I’m not saying it’s any easier at any other time, but a loss now also carries with it a lack of closure, of being able to properly say goodbye, not being able to celebrate their life with family and friends.

We have come up against this a couple of times as an extended family during this time. My mum lost one of her best friends in March, and yesterday my aunt lost her sister.  These are very hard times and even though I was planning to write this devotional anyway, it’s a hard one when I know there is so much grieving taking place.

But we are also, on a much less scale, mourning the loss of more than just loved ones.

We are mourning the loss of ‘normality’, of what is familiar, of what we usually do. We are mourning the loss of jobs, businesses, income, dreams. We are mourning the loss of freedom and of being able to go and do what we want, when we want it.

Yes all these things will come back, maybe not as we once knew them, but they will return. But in the meantime, what do we do? We mourn.

In the Message our verse reads -

“You’re blessed when you feel you’ve lost 
what is most dear to you. Only then can you 
be embraced by the One most dear to you.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:4‬ ‭MSG‬‬

When we have lost everything God is the only one that can truly comfort us. And He does. Every time.

And He comforts us on all of our losses, big and small, life changing or just momentary discomfort. He loves you and hates to see you hurting. And He offers a comfort that no one else can give.

It’s a horrible time for mourning. In our wee country alone, over 300 people have died from Coronavirus related illness. That’s 300+ families and friends who are grieving right now. And that doesn’t take into consideration all those who have been fighting, and lost, other battles.

Let’s pray for each other today. Pray for comfort. Pray for those struggling with grief right now. Pray for all of those people with an empty chair at their table.

And if that’s you - then turn to God. He is the comforter and the one who will be able to bring you peace, even now.

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