Day 40 - Singing praise no matter what

Most nights, at the moment, we finish the game or movie we’ve been watching, turn off all the lights and lie down in the living room... and take it in turns to get Alexa to play a song! 

It is the most fun ever!! The boys have some interesting choices! We’ve listened to the Bare Necessities, the Duck Song, It’s Raining Tacos, and various other food related songs, interspersed with Andrea Bocelli, Ed Sheeran,  Collabro and Tokyo Meyers. 

Last night we included some Ian White in the mix and it took me back to watching him in Regent Street Presbyterian Church, singing through the Psalms. 

One song from last night was called Philippi. It talks about the story of when Paul and Silas were in prison. It’s found in Acts 16 if you want to read it for yourself. 

Verse 25 tells us -
“But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, 
and the prisoners were listening to them.”
They had been beaten and imprisoned - feet in stocks - in the inner prison. No way out. 

So what did they do? They sang praise to God and prayed. 

Even in the worst situation - in fact no matter what circumstances they found themselves in - they praised and worshipped God. 

Can we say that? It’s easy to worship and praise God when things are going the way we want them to. 

But what about when things don’t? What about when we are locked-down in the middle of a global pandemic and no one knows what’s going to happen next? What about when loved ones get sick and God takes them home? What about when we’ve lost jobs or income or hope because we can’t see an end to this? 

We need to keep our focus on who holds our future. When we choose to praise and pray God will do amazing things. 

In our story He caused an earthquake that freed them, but instead of running they were able to share with the prison guard and lead him and his family to faith. Amazing - yes?! 

So today, when things get a little tougher (or a lot) we need to focus on God and not our situation. Let praise and worship be our mantra today! 

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