Day 26 - Remembering what God has done

Good morning to all you gorgeous girls!

This morning I am trying to get back into some form of routine.

Well - that was the plan!! But as we all know - plans change. This morning I slept in - one of those really sound sleeps where you jump when someone wakes you 😂

Anyway, now that I’m up and awake, my plan for today is to figure out a routine that we can follow for the next few weeks, so that mentally, physically and spiritually we are all growing during this time.

One of my tasks today is to think about what God has done for us in the past. And wow - in just the half hour that I’ve been awake, I’ve thought of hundreds of examples.

When life gives you weird moments like these days undoubtedly are, we need to recall days when God was there for us.

In Exodus 20:2-3 God reminds the children of Israel what He has already done for them.

“I am the LORD your God, 
who brought you out of the land of Egypt, 
out of the house of bondage.”

So here are a couple of examples from my life...

* When Micah was born with fluid on his lungs, not breathing and with no first cry, and got the last SCBU incubator in NI. He got the best care ever. And so did I.

* When I was pregnant with Ryan and had no symptoms if PND at all because so many people were praying for me.

* When God introduced me to my two best friends - both different circumstances that resulted in amazing times of fun and fellowship. Truly a God thing.

So today - think back on your life and see where God has been there, where He was brought people into your life, opened doors that should have been closed or just amazed you.

Stay at home.
Wash your hands.
Keep safe.

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