Day 5 - Truth be told

The first time I heard this song I sat in the car and cried my eyes out! Let me give you a couple of lines and you’ll see why...

Lie number one: You're supposed to have it all together. And when they ask how you're doing, just smile and tell them "Never better"Lie number two: Everybody's life is perfect except yours. So keep your messes and your wounds and your secrets safe with you behind closed doors...

Ladies - now more than ever we need to tell the truth and ask for help if we need it. Social media can be horrible when it makes us compare ourselves - when all we see are the highlights of someone else’s life - not their reality.

Or it can be a platform for good, bringing people together in a time of crisis and helping lift each other up.

So let’s use it to be real - to ask for help if we need it. To be a help to someone else if we can. To encourage each other and ask the hard questions - like how we are really feeling.

No more ‘I’m fine’.
No more ‘I’m the only one feeling like this’.
No more ‘No-one else understands’.

We are here for each other and we will get through this TOGETHER.

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