Day 36 - Do it all for God

I’m finding it really hard to get motivated at the moment. Like REALLY hard. There is so much that I have to do yet I’m seriously struggling to do one load of laundry and make dinner 🤦‍♀️

We have been given an opportunity. An opportunity to slow down. An opportunity to spring clean our homes like we’ve never had time to before. An opportunity to try all those recipes in the millions of cool books we’ve bought over the years and never opened. An opportunity to get back to those hobbies and passions that got lost somewhere along the way with a full time job, husband and kids. An opportunity to start that fitness programme or start that diet when you have the time to research it. An opportunity to read a book. An opportunity to reconnect with people. An opportunity to be still. 

And we need to take the opportunity we’ve been given with both hands and run with it. But it is hard. 

I’m exhausted. My head is still busy busy busy, as I think of all the things I think we need to do. Then I get overwhelmed. Everyone is in limbo, not knowing what’s going to happen or when it will happen. 

Unfortunately the last one is totally out of our control, but the rest is up to me. We were made to glorify God and show everyone around us His love. 

So what does that have to do with housekeeping/cooking/crafting/fitness/reading? 

“So whether you eat or drink, 
or whatever you do, 
do it all for the glory of God.”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭10:31‬ ‭

If we do things for God’s glory it changes the way we look at jobs. If I am determined to sit on my butt and watch ‘Marvel’s Agents of Shield’ instead of cleaning the bathroom, but I realise that cleaning the bathroom is a way I can physically show my honour to God and my family, then I am much more willing to go do it! 

And if I think about the people watching me - again my hubby and sons - when I realise that I’m showing them me honouring God and them by doing the mundane jobs with a smile and regularly, then I definitely know what I have to do! 

So guess what I’m doing today 😂 Yep - both bathrooms are getting spring cleaned!!! 

This time may not be of our choosing or what we’d like to be happening, but it is happening and we have to live in it. Right here, right now. 

There are countless ways to show God’s love as you go about you days, whether it’s to the family that sees every side of you in lockdown, whether it’s reaching out to a friend, or helping someone with a need - we just need to do it. 

So I intend to stop thinking about everything I think I should be achieving and start thinking about those things that will bless others, share God’s love, and help me to cope in this weird but wonderful time we’ve been given. And those things that will help be still. 

Keep looking for the blessings. It definitely helps! 

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