Day 15 - He is our rock

“He only is my rock and my salvation; 
He is my defense; I shall not be moved.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭62:6‬ ‭

In the madness and chaos that is surrounding us, where nearly 3000 people have died in the UK, 36 of those here in NI, we need something to believe in.

Nobody would have been able to predict the impact COVID-19 has had on our world. In an age of amazing technology and ground-breaking medical insights, the smartest people in the world still haven’t got close to stopping this virus.

So it’s time to stop looking around us and start really looking up.

Sometimes we are tempted to rely on the things of now to get us through - like technology (my phone is part of me), the people in the know (those smart doctors we see on the news) and those in authority (the PM). But the only thing that is proven, sure and always reliable is God.

God is my rock. No matter what I am feeling, no matter what I’m going through, I can rely on the fact that He is in my corner and He has me tucked safely under His wing.

He can and will get us through this. I believe it. And I believe that He will bring us out of it better people.

We have a chance to really focus on Him, focus on our families and focus on living our best lives - without the pressure of living up to someone else’s ideas of what your life should look like.

Safe inside your house right now you have the chance to stand on the rock and learn how to be the woman He created you to be.

How exciting is that!!

I pray you will really embrace this journey that we’re on and take every new day as a blessing.

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