Day 12 - Cry out to God

I have tried to be encouraging and uplifting in my morning messages, but today is a little different.

Yesterday a wonderful woman of God was called home. She was one of my mum’s closest friends and we all grew up going in and out of her house.

I can’t begin to imagine what her family are feeling but my heart aches for them. Yesterday morning’s message was about there being a plan in everything.

But what when something like this happens? What do we do?

When you read Psalm 13 you read how David’s heart cried out to God. (It’s definitely worth a full read.)

Ladies, I believe that when we are angry, upset, confused and sorrowful we should cry out to God. He can take it.

We can yell. We can scream and shout and let it all out. We can cry big ugly tears. We can question Him and ask why.

Because God knows our innermost feelings, so He already knows what we are going through. He knows how we feel, how close we are to totally cracking up and what we need to do to come out the other side in one piece.

So at this time - when we mourn the loss of a very special lady, when we dismay over the loss of our ‘normal’ lives, and we try to process this pandemic - bring your lament to God.

Cry out to Him and He will be hear you.

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