Top 5 round up of my week!

As each week comes and goes - seemingly quicker than ever before - I thought I'd pick my top 5 moments of the week to share. I'm hoping this helps me to be more aware of my blessings, and will act as a reminder of all the good things in years to come! 

So - this week's top 5... 

My lovely ladies 

Special time with my family - this week I had the opportunity to spend half a day at home with my mama, papa and my wonderful sisters. I even managed an hour's chat with my sister who lives down under! It was a very special time, which I needed more than anything. I don't get to spend as much time with them as I'd like as life can just be too busy, but days like this is very precious. 

The decathlon (part 1) - it was raining yesterday so we had a fantastic games afternoon! We picked 10 games and kept the scores throughout. It was so much fun! Our games were - 
  • Uno - the first person to win twice got top points
  • Monopoly Empire - a quick version of the popular game - and my favourite!
  • Skyjo - a great card game trying to end up with the lowest score
  • Pictureka - we have two of these games, so we used one now and one later - so much fun but hard on the eyes!
  • Hive mind - this is not the actual hive mind game, but a mixture of it and scattegories!
  • Relative Insanity - the funniest game ever! So much laughing 
  • Dobble - a fast game and so competitive! 
  • Pictionary - on a white board - a lot of laughs and a lot of fun!
  • Pictureka - the second round of this! 
  • Pick up sticks - A classic! 
Times like these are very special - especially when we are all ending up laughing our heads off!

Hamilton - Home | Facebook

Wow! This week I got to watch Hamilton on Disney+ and I was blown away. It was amazing. I loved every second and cried like a baby - complete with big ugly sobs! It's a story I didn't know, so it was interesting to find out more about as we watched it. I also am one of those sad people who sits with IMDb open to find out where I know the people on the screen from!! Overall, it was one of the best things I've ever watched, and I can't wait to see it live!

What's the Difference Between Kings and Chronicles ...

As we have been working our way through 1 Chronicles, it has been amazing to read familiar stories from a slightly different view point. It has also been really fun looking back at the original stories from 1,2 Samuel, and 1, 2 Kings. Passages like 2 Samuel 6, where Uzzah died because he touched the Ark - but in 1 Chronicles we also read details like the fact that David was angry at God because of what happened, before he realised that it was because they hadn't moved the Ark correctly. I just love this! Its the fascinating way God reveals things to us that I love!

So the last pick for my top 5... I got my hair cut!!! I was so excited! I just got it cut because after all that time in lock-down, I needed a change! I have bought a wee colour to go into it - that may well make it into my top 5 next week if it works... and no one will ever see it if it doesn't! 

A lot of great moments - they definitely make up for the fact that we were supposed to be in France this week on our family holiday! Hope you've had at least 5 great moments in your week. 
Tanya ♥

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