Day 64 - Everyone needs Miss Clara

So yesterday I shared a clip from War Room. It got me thinking about Miss Clara. Everyone needs a Miss Clara in their life. 

Miss Clara is the older lady in the film who is selling her house. She meets the main character, Elizabeth, who is going to sell it for her, and starts to meet up with her, and delve into her life. And by delve I mean she uses those tools that older women have to allow them to ask any question they like and get you to answer! She asks her about Elizabeth’s family, and about whether she attends a church, and ultimately about her prayer life. 

When I say that everyone needs a Miss Clara, I mean it. And the Bible agrees!
In Titus 2:4 we read - 

They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women
to love their husbands and children...”

In the film, Miss Clara helps Elizabeth to find out how to pray continuously, introducing her to her prayer room - her war room. 

Miss Clara : Elizabeth, I think it's time for me to show you my favourite place in this house.[Goes upstairs, into a closet]  
Miss Clara : Now, this is where I do my fighting. 
Elizabeth Jordan : A closet? 
Miss Clara : I call it my war room.  
Elizabeth Jordan : [Checks out closet walls covered with prayers]  So... So, you wrote prayers for each area of your life?  
Miss Clara : A prayer strategy. Yes.

She encourages her, gives her good straight-talking advice and disciples her as the film progresses. She re-ignites her faith and that's what we need in our lives. We need women to come alongside us, encourage us, help us - especially when we don’t even realise we need help - and bring God into our day. This is one of the most important things we can do - encourage and pray for and with other women. 

And how exciting is it when we meet with ladies like that! I have a couple of older ladies in my life who have impacted me in a big way, and I love each and every one of them. And now it's my turn to also help others. So my challenge today is this - do you have someone giving into your life like this? And do you have someone you can give to?

Have a wonderful Sunday ladies.

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